

Scaled (Rare)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has scales on them.


Starcoated (Hallowed)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has tiny stars that rest upon them.


Whiskered (Common)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Catlike whiskers.

Autumn Leaf Blessing

Autumn Leaf Blessing (Seasonal)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has autumnal leaves/plants growing on them or trailing behind them.

Autumn Blessing

Evergreen Blessing

Evergreen Blessing (Seasonal)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has evergreen plants growing on them or trailing behind them.

Winter Blessing

Winged Fetlocks

Winged Fetlocks (Seasonal)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has tiny wings on their wrists and/or ankles.

Spring Blessing

Mushroomy Growth

Mushroomy Growth (Seasonal)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has mushrooms growing on them.

Autumn Blessing

Snowy Aura

Snowy Aura (Seasonal)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has an aura of snow and frost around them at all times. They can have snow/ice resting on them.

Winter Blessing

Spirit Flame

Spirit Flame (Seasonal)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has ghostly flames either following or adorning them.

Autumn Blessing

Sun Halo

Sun Halo (Seasonal)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has a halo with rays coming off of it floating around them.

Summer Blessing

Tropical Plant Blessing

Tropical Plant Blessing (Seasonal)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk can have any type of tropical plant growing on them or trailing behind them.

Summer Blessing

Spring Flower Blessing

Spring Flower Blessing (Seasonal)

Category: Overall
Species: Faefolk

Your faefolk has spring flowers/plants growing off of them or trailing behind them.

Spring Blessing

Will o' Wisp (Limited)

Category: Overall

Small spirit-like flames follow your xyn wherever they go.
They can be shaped like different things.

Trait Shifter (Hallowed)

Category: Overall

Allows your character to swap between traits.

(For example: if your xyn was going to switch between no wings and celestine wings, you would need a rare trait sticker, a celestine wings potion and a hallowed trait sticker for trait shifter.)
(Can be used on xyns or faefolk.)

Soul Spirit (Limited)

Category: Overall

Your xyn's soul is so potent it takes the form of a small, ephemeral companion that follows them around. The spirit can be any shape as long as they're small, feature-less and ghostlike. Your xyn can communicate with the spirit telepathically and the spirit cannot make any sounds.

Fae-Shifter (Majesty)

Category: Overall

Your xyn can now shift into a faefolk form!

Celestine Shatter (Limited)

Category: Overall

Parts of your xyn are overtaken by celestine energy! This trait can overlay or completely replace body parts.
[Celestine energy is ghostly and flamelike with small stars.]

Lucky Aura (Limited)

Category: Overall

Your xyn has a glowing aura filled with lucky symbols coming off of them that makes them and those around them a bit more lucky!
(Lucky symbols are things like clovers, horseshoes, shooting stars, etc)


Toes (Alchemist)

Category: Other

Gives your xyn toes! They also gain toe beans in addition to the typical single paw pad.

429 results found.