Starcoated (Hallowed)
Your faefolk has tiny stars that rest upon them.
Autumn Leaf Blessing (Seasonal)
Your faefolk has autumnal leaves/plants growing on them or trailing behind them.
Autumn Blessing
Evergreen Blessing (Seasonal)
Your faefolk has evergreen plants growing on them or trailing behind them.
Winter Blessing
Winged Fetlocks (Seasonal)
Your faefolk has tiny wings on their wrists and/or ankles.
Spring Blessing
Mushroomy Growth (Seasonal)
Your faefolk has mushrooms growing on them.
Autumn Blessing
Snowy Aura (Seasonal)
Your faefolk has an aura of snow and frost around them at all times. They can have snow/ice resting on them.
Winter Blessing
Spirit Flame (Seasonal)
Your faefolk has ghostly flames either following or adorning them.
Autumn Blessing
Tropical Plant Blessing (Seasonal)
Your faefolk can have any type of tropical plant growing on them or trailing behind them.
Summer Blessing
Spring Flower Blessing (Seasonal)
Your faefolk has spring flowers/plants growing off of them or trailing behind them.
Spring Blessing
Will o' Wisp (Limited)
Small spirit-like flames follow your xyn wherever they go.
They can be shaped like different things.
Trait Shifter (Hallowed)
Allows your character to swap between traits.
(For example: if your xyn was going to switch between no wings and celestine wings, you would need a rare trait sticker, a celestine wings potion and a hallowed trait sticker for trait shifter.)
(Can be used on xyns or faefolk.)
Soul Spirit (Limited)
Your xyn's soul is so potent it takes the form of a small, ephemeral companion that follows them around. The spirit can be any shape as long as they're small, feature-less and ghostlike. Your xyn can communicate with the spirit telepathically and the spirit cannot make any sounds.
Celestine Shatter (Limited)
Parts of your xyn are overtaken by celestine energy! This trait can overlay or completely replace body parts.
[Celestine energy is ghostly and flamelike with small stars.]
Lucky Aura (Limited)
Your xyn has a glowing aura filled with lucky symbols coming off of them that makes them and those around them a bit more lucky!
(Lucky symbols are things like clovers, horseshoes, shooting stars, etc)