Daily Advent Calendar

Created: 5 May 2023, 10:04:15 EDT
Last updated: 1 September 2024, 09:13:58 EDT
Happy Leafdusk Fete, everyone!

"The leaves are changing colours! Let's play!"

 Click here for the calendar!

The prize for clicking every day this month is:
Enchanted Shroomkin Shawl


Did you miss a day of the calendar? Don't fret! You can draw a fullbody, coloured gift of the featured xyn and submit a claim for the end-prize!
This can be done at any point during the month.
Yes, you may earn two (one from the end and one from doing the gift).
Is the featured xyn your own? Good! Draw them. ❤
Submit a claim with your giftart and say you're claiming the end-of-advent prize!