
Seraphurl Ears

Seraphurl Ears (Limited)

Category: Ears

Ears with mysterious angelic curls. They curve upwards and then inwards.

Crenate Ears

Crenate Ears (Limited)

Category: Ears

Your xyn has droopy ears with rounded ridges on the bottom!

Shy Ears

Shy Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Medium sized ears that droop like a lamb or doe.

Point Ears

Point Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Medium sized pointy ears, can be filled with fur or not.

Mix Ears

Mix Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Any combination of one type of ear along with another type of ear; any ears common-rare may be used.

Flop Ears

Flop Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Medium sized floppy ears like a dog.

Drape Ears

Drape Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Large sized floppy ears that hang past a faefolkā€™s face.

Curl Ears

Curl Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Medium ears that curl inward towards each other like an american curl cat.

Cub Ears

Cub Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Medium sized rounded ears like a lion or bear.

Cotton Ears

Cotton Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Large sized ears full of fluff like a fennec fox.

Bun Ears

Bun Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Long upright ears like a rabbit, can be pointed or rounded.

Wingy Ears

Wingy Ears (Hallowed)

Category: Ears
Species: Faefolk

Wing-shaped ears.

Leaf Ears

Leaf Ears (Limited)

Category: Ears

Your xyn's ears are shaped like any type of leaves! Optionally, they can be textured/coloured like leaves.

Tassel Ears

Tassel Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears

Small, furry ears with tassels of fur coming off of the bottoms.
(Like red panda ears!)

Heart-Shaped Ears

Heart-Shaped Ears (Limited)

Category: Ears

Your xyn's ears are shaped like hearts!

Standard Ears

Standard Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Tapestry Ears

Tapestry Ears (Limited)

Category: Ears

Long, horizontal ears with fur dangling off of them. (Fur can be short or long.)

Cotton Puff Ears

Cotton Puff Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Large, pointed ears filled with tons of fluff.

Standard Ears (Pixyn)

Standard Ears (Pixyn) (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Pixyn

Ears that resemble standard moxyn/vexyn ears, but for pixyn!

Lamb Ears

Lamb Ears (Limited)

Category: Ears

Gives your xyn soft oval shaped ears that flop halfway down the head.

30 results found.