Bitty Berry
Category: Resources
A tiny variety of blue berry that grows on the southeast side of the forests of Pixiehome!
The berry is tart and sweet, while the leaves are lemony and fresh!
Pixyns are known to love bitty berries.
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Heart Sugar
This sugar is made from a special type of mineral deep within the heart of the mines in Lunerest!
It's very delicately sweet with floral notes and it's a bit courser than normal sugar.
Kind of reminds you of a soft hug.
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Egg Fruit
A strange egg-like fruit that grows on vines in the ground.
The inside has fruit reminiscent of eggs, it's slightly sweet, very rich and very useful as a binder in baking!
What do you mean you don't trust it?
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Extremely Rainbow Sprinkles
EXTREME!!! Rainbow sprinkles.
These sweet sprinkles reflect every single colour you could possibly think of. Each sprinkle tastes unique!
Looking for wild, delicious and random flavours? Extremely rainbow sprinkles has you covered.
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These small brown nuts are filled with a buttery, rich meat. They can be found growing on trees!
The meat makes a great butter substitue and add a unique, rich and nutty flavour.
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Beeteor Honey
Shimmering, galaxy-like honey made by beeteors!
The honey is thick, sweet and gives a fizzy feel in the mouth. It's glittery.
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Sky Flour
Beautiful, silky flour that's made from cloud wheat grown in Elysium Heights!
Great for all-purpose baking, it creates a more airy texture than normal flour.
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Shooting Starfruit
Category: Resources
A star-shaped fruit that grows on Shooting Starfruit trees in Lunerest!
The fruit is sharp and punchy! It makes your tongue tingle.
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Category: Resources
A round, curled up plant that grows around Wingfell.
It's delicate and herbacious in flavour.
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Category: Resources
A rare flower that's only found on the tops of mountains throughout Lunerest when the sun rises.
It's bright and a bit spicy in flavour.
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Rainbow Carrot
Category: Resources
A root vegetable that grows in the ground, the magic of Lunerest has made it very colourful!
It's sweet, earthy and crunchy.
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Category: Resources
A small orangish brown nut that grows from pumpikorn trees.
The shell is hard and slippery but the flesh inside is rich and nutty.
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Purple Mango
Category: Resources
A fruit reminiscent of the Earth mango.
The purple mango grows by moonlight and has a sweet and floral flavour.
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Category: Resources
A vegetable that grows in the ground from the Earth dimension.
It's starchy and rich!
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Miatian Prickly Pear
Category: Resources
A prickly pear cactus from another dimension!
This cactus is extremely juicy and has a faint watermelon flavour.
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Category: Resources
A squishy, earthy, brown mushroom that grows in near bodies of water in Lunerest.
It's known to have a rich umami flavour when cooked properly.
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Ancient Stone
Category: Resources
Resale Value: 10
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Star Envoy Shard
Category: Resources
Resale Value: 15
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Ophistle Glitter
Category: Resources
Resale Value: 15