MOX-440: Sarii's Links

Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Kinda overbearing and insufferable. But I can’t just leave him alone.
I literally picked him up at Wingfell once and now that fool just won’t leave me be. How annoying. (And yet….)

Relationship Status: Significant Others
…I’m sorry…

Relationship Status: ???
We only knew each other in passing before, but now that we’re working together…I really don’t know what to think. Then there’s the fact he says some really scary things also…
I can’t place his relationship with Neige. Equally intrigued as I am envious/suspicious. He does make for an adorable, if reckless knight. Fun to tease

Relationship Status: Friends
Kira has so much energy it’s kinda hard to keep up with him. Not that I mind of course, but he can be really terrifying sometimes, and then it becomes a bit much;;
Sarii’s so reliable, and I love him lots~ But he doesn’t really smile so much anymore. He’s looked after me for so long, so it’s fair I return the favor right~?

Relationship Status: Co-workers

Relationship Status: Acquaintence
I’ll do my best?
Please keep your man in check

Relationship Status: Family