Site News
Brighthollow Banquet + Discord Icon and Emoji Contest
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by KeyHey everyone, happy Brighthollow Banquet! Apologies for the downtime submitting prompts, we had a lot of work to do! We have tons of new content and other changes though so please keep reading for the full patch notes.🧡
Happy Brighthollow Banquet, everyxyn! During the Brighthollow Banquet, there are large harvests of the fruits, flowers and vegetables unique to Lunerest. There’s often great banquets and balls to attend. Rogue spirits float through the air and give out tricks and treats during this time! Xyns tour through Lunerest, appreciating the pixyns’ work changing the seasons. Xyns dress up in costumes to celebrate their ancestors and the lost spirits drifting about. The sky and forests are often lit up with these little spirits!
It looks like Starlit Forest has discovered a new pwigi variant, only available during the Brighthollow Banquet! They'd be happy to give you one, you just need to do them one little favour. Check out this limited-time prompt under "Event Prompts"!
In addition we've added the "Pwigi Lover" plushie achievement for those who have collected all of the variants of pwigi! Claim your plushie and additional prize under the "Plushie Cabinet Achievements" prompt category.
Wehehe! There's been a strange surge of nature magic this year causing the pumpkins around Lunerest to go wild! A mysterious xyn is visiting this year, why don't you check out the "The Pumpkin Prince's Grand Arrival!" prompt located under "Event Prompts"?
Get to this prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Event Prompts
Discord Icon and emoji contest
We've gotten a bunch o new players and the discord is more active than ever so the time is finally here!
- Discord icon entries must be 512x512 or larger.
- Discord emojis MUST be 128x128 in size and 256KB or smaller.
- Animation is allowed.
- Emojis must be of Lunerest npcs/items/companions!
- You may reference other emojis/memes but all entries must be your own art and not traced. You may not use a base and you may not use meme/emoji generators.
- Up to 2 icon entries and 5 emoji entries per person.
- Please submit all discord icon entries and emoji entries to the appropriate galleries: Discord Icon Gallery Discord Emoji Gallery
- Lunerest will gain full rights to use winning entries!
- Contest runs from [OCTOBER 1st] to [DECEMBER 3rd] - prizes/winners will be announced in the following days depending on the amount of entries.
Usable NPCs: Yuhi, Ryu, Kiba, Ruin, Sooshi, Oberon, or any of the shopkeepers!
Misc Tips: Don't be afraid to keep an eye on the discord chat to see what kinds of emojis people like to use and make a lunerest version of it! Detailed art is beautiful but a lot of it won't show up well on emojis. When in doubt of what character to use, you can use our community moxyn, Kiba!
rewards and PRIZES:
Entries will receive 5 charms per emoji (max 5 entries) and 7 charms per icon (max 2 entries), please be sure to submit your entries to the appropriate galleries. The emoji/discord icon prompts are also located under "Event Prompts".
Icon and emoji that are picked will receive additional prizes! Check out the winning prizes in the link below. We'll be posting any updates in the discord announcements channel.
You can read more about the contest by clicking here.
New Traits 
Halo of Mushrooms: A halo made up of any kind of or combination of mushrooms
Waxy: Allows all or parts of your xyn be made of wax, or have wax-like quality.
Trailing Spirits: Little ghostly friends trail behind your xyn.
Glassy: Allows all or parts of your xyn to be made of glass. Glass can be regular glass, stained glass, vial-like bodies, etc. The vial body parts can be filled with liquid or objects, but no living creatures, gore or realistic horror, please keep everything pg13!
Round Nose: A big, medium, or small round nose is now available as rare trait for all xyns
In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop, Sprinkle's Resource Exchange and Calliope's Treasures has been rotated!
OCtober 2023 Raffle!

Enter to win this Leafy Jack-o-Lantern xyn by drawing giftart!
This raffle runs through October 31st.
Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category
A reminder that users can participate in creating raffle designs in exchange for moonstones and special traits! Find the rules under the "Raffle Design Creation" prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> General Prompts category.
Rules/Item Changes
Lunerest has been busier than ever, thank you so much, everyone! With ARPG growth comes growing pains, so we're going to be issuing some balance changes:
-Knight Quest buff: backgrounds will now earn +3 charms instead of +2 charms
-Shading bonus: shaded pieces will now earn +1 charm (+1 festival currency for the monthly festival prompt)
-New rule for breeding: no inbreeding (this was an oversight on Key's part, it was meant to be part of the rules but was never added, xyns who are related to each other are not able to produce an egg together canonically)
-Jar of Vapour change: jars of vapour will no longer be earnable via prompts, they can be bought in the charm shop or moonstone shop with a monthly limit of 2 per month per person (breeding requires too little investment right now, so we're moving things around to see if we can take some of the strain off of Key)
-Removal of breeding prompts: vapour prompts are being removed since the jar of vapour will be available in the charm and moonstone shops now
-New general prompts: we're recycling "Connection" and "Dating Sim" into general prompts as well as adding "Profession"
-Plushie Buff: since the "Generalist" plushie now has more requirements to be earned, the bonus charms have been upped from 20 charms to 35 charms
-Knight Titles: Your xyn can now earn titles related to their knight status! You can put in a claim with the title you're looking to get added. Please list the titles you are claiming, you may only claim titles related to achievements your xyn has already done. For example, if your xyn is a royal knight, a scout and a royal knight captain, you may claim each title for that one xyn!
-Double Trouble: Reduced in price by 5 charms.
Due to these changes, for charm-earning prompts submitted in the past month, you may retroactively claim the charms you would have gotten from the knight quest adjustment or shading bonus. We will not be manually hunting down every prompt, you must submit a claim with a link to each prompt you want to retroactively claim charms for as well as the amount of charms you are claiming. We will not be doing charm calculations for you this time. (This does *not* apply to retroactive festival prompts.)
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue balancing Lunerest to make it fun for everyone! ❤
New Extensions and Features
New Criteria feature when submitting certain prompts! We are rolling this out so it may not be available for all prompts yet. Click the "Add Criterion" button (right below the comment box) and fill out/toggle the boxes according to your submission! Try it out on your next Brighthollow Banquet prompt! ;D
-We're adding earnable titles to Lunerest! We've added the knight ones as additional prizes for those who complete knight quests but we're also experimenting with adding limited edition ones! (Check out the "The Pumpkin Prince's Grand Arrival!" prompt for the opportunity to earn one of these limited edition titles this month!) Titles are still a work in progress, we are working on custom code to make them better.
Upcoming Events and Sales:
-Cozy Autumn Vibes Advent: THIS MONTH: October 22-31.
October 22: Warm Apple Cider by northfarer
October 23: Orchard Harvest by nopalrabbit
October 24: Piles of Leaves by Key
October 25: Grape Stomping by Key
October 26: Hay Ride by nopalrabbit
October 27: Scarecrow Friend by Key
October 28: Oktoberfest by Tav
October 29: Treats by the Bonfire by Herboreal
October 30: Hoard of Candles by Herboreal
October 31: Pumpkin Prince by Key
Key's designs except for pumpkin prince will all be preclaimable via patreon on October 21.
-Nightmare Before Christmas Advent: December 21-January 1.
-Random Other Key's design sales of chaos.
lunerest ko-fi memberships / Patreon Bonuses
Join to get monthly moonstones, event currency and a special monthly goodie bag at the highest tier!
See the membership tiers HERE
Join Key's Patreon for access to: Work-in-progress/Behind-the-scenes, Design First Dibs, Discount Commissions and more!
Temporary Down Time
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by KeyHey everyone! In case you aren't in the Discord to see the announcment, we are temporarily closing claims and prompts for the site rollover this month. We have so much to implement and it's going to effect quite a few prompts! Thank you so much for your patience, see you all tomorrow! (⌐■_■)
Leafdusk Fete and Free MYO Month + Referrals!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Key
During the Leafdusk Fete, the plants around Lunerest are fading from their normal colours to bright yellows and oranges. The xyns celebrate the changing of the seasons with the Leafdusk Fete! The weather is cooler and the days are getting shorter. Many xyns enjoy this change from the hot months to the cooler ones. During the Leafdusk Fete there’s always a huge scavenger hunt! Ryu and Yuhi hide dawnberry flowers among the changing leaves and xyns that bring one to them are rewarded with sweets! There’s a huge sky-dance among the changing leaves that happens every night around bonfires. Xyns start to sell cozier accessories like scarves and earmuffs and there’s a craft market that starts up! There’s always good food and merriment to be had during the Leafdusk Fete!
Get to this prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Event Prompts
Happy 4 years of Lunerest!!!
Note from Key: I am eternally grateful for everyone's love, support and enthusiasm for Lunerest. Every day I am excited to wake up and work on new things, interact with the amazing community and enjoy playing in the huge world we've built together. I am looking forward to many more, I hope you all enjoy your MYOs and I look forwards to partying with you all!
As usual, we are doing a free MYO month for September! There is a new MYO box in Spright's Charm Shop.
We're also doing a referral bonus! This month- if you refer a friend and have them sign up, you will both receive an envelope from the queens!
To claim your envelopes, please have the referrer submit a claim with the username of the person they recruited.
New Traits 
Tapestry Ears: Long, horizontal ears with fur dangling off of them. (Fur can be short or long)
Wisp Fur: Magical fur that resembles wisp-shapes! It gently flows upwards like real fire.
Crescent Horns: Horns that are shaped like crescents.
Size-Shifter: Allows your xyn to temporarily change the size of their body! It requires effort so it cannot be maintained for long periods of time but xyns can size-shift either parts of their body or their whole body! (For example: making their wings small or making their legs extra long).
Cotton Puff Ears: Large ears filled with significant amounts of fluff.
Standard Ears: will now be a rare pixyn trait.

Enter to win this Apple Pie Pixyn by drawing giftart!
This raffle runs through September 30th.
Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category
A reminder that users can participate in creating raffle designs in exchange for moonstones and special traits! Find the rules under the "Raffle Design Creation" prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> General Prompts category.
Rules/Item Changes
-Rules have been updated to remove "journals" since we're not on DA anymore!
-P2U lunerest themed bases are now allowed.
-The REROLL item has been updated in the interest of game balance, it can now only reroll common-rare traits! Limited or rarer traits will not be able to be rerolled.
-Chickles now give 2 bonus charms and Leafawns give 3 bonus charms! (Reversed from how it used to be since chickles are simpler to drawn than leafawns).
New Extensions and Features
-Character Links: link your characters and describe their relationships!
-Pronouns on profile: accessible under "settings".
-User Shops: you can now own your own shop to put your extra items in and sell to other users!
-Username Changes: accessible under "settings".
*We are aware of a few bugs with the new features like the profile error and character linking error, we are working to solve these!
Free Assets
-New Free to Use Lunerest bases by nopalrabbit! These are for personal use only, they cannot be coloured for profit. Click here
-New Free to Use Lunerest Dividers by key! Click here
-New FAQ page added under the "Info" tab.
Upcoming Events and Sales:
-Cozy Autumn Vibes Advent: October 22-31.
-Nightmare Before Christmas Advent: December 21-January 1.
-Random Other Key's design sales of chaos.
lunerest ko-fi memberships / Patreon Bonuses
Join to get monthly moonstones, event currency and a special monthly goodie bag at the highest tier!
See the membership tiers HERE
Join Key's Patreon for access to: Work-in-progress/Behind-the-scenes, Design First Dibs, Discount Commissions and more!
Meteorwind Reception + Month of Rest
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by KeyHappy Meteorwind Reception, everyone! During this time of year, things start to cool off in Lunerest as autumn approaches. It’s common to see nightly meteor showers during this time! Xyns tend to wish upon the falling meteors and rush to find where they landed in Lunerest, sometimes there’s treasures and sometimes it’s just for fun! It tends to be quite windy, which is great flying weather! There’s often viewing parties, sky dancing and general parties themed around the falling meteors.
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
*New* Questlines
Introducing new prompts that you complete in order for a special prize! Unlock the prompts as you follow your Xyn on their adventure!
Current new questline: The Clef Compass
Get to these new prompts by selecting World > Prompts > Quest Chains!
shop updates 
Light Motes: Allows floating motes of light to follow your xyn around. Can be any colour(s).
Elemental Wings: Gives your xyn wings made out of one of the lunerestian elements.
Halo of Music Notes: Gives your xyn a halo made out of music notes! Can be any colour(s).
Star-shaped Pawpads: Gives your xyn star-shaped pawpads!
These new limited traits are available in Revel's Event Shop!
New Celestial-Shifting Elixir in the moonstone shop that grants celestial-shifting and ephemeral toes.
New pets available in the charm shop! (These are permanent additions!) (Requires a key item to get in!)
In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop, Sprinkle's Resource Exchange and Calliope's Treasures has been rotated!
month of rest
General Prompts are worth double charms this month!
[Express Yourself, Meme Yourself, Treat Yourself, Friends til the End and Gathering Expedition all give double charms!]
[Raffle Design Creation is excluded and Gathering Expedition still gives just the 3 rolls.]
Reminder there's a plushie achievement for doing all of the general quests.
August 2023 Raffle
The raffle this month is Double sharky moxyn by Batty! This raffle runs until August 31st.
Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category
A reminder that users can participate in creating raffle designs in exchange for moonstones and special traits! Find the rules under the "Raffle Design Creation" prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> General Prompts category.
Winners of the lost xynlets raffles
Gemstone Antlers: denimlich
Shroomkin Shawl: herboreal
Swat Tail: thy
Aitielkh Halo: softsy
Lamb Ears: nopal
Congratulations on your new babies!
General bug fixes and updates:
-Fixed the issue with the mobile version menu button being "invisible".
-Added hover text for the monthly festival currencies to show which month they're from.
-Added a link to our discord to the navigation bar.
-If you have any leftover lunar gildes from the event, you can submit a claim to turn them in! You'll get 2 charms per 1 lunar gilde.
Upcoming Events and Sales:
-Vexlet Gacha Sale August 22nd, $25 each ($20 with patreon discount).
-Free MYO Event + Recruitment Bonus: September.
-Cozy Autumn Vibes Advent: October 22-31.
-Nightmare Before Christmas Advent: December 21-January 1.
-Random Other Key's design sales of chaos.
lunerest ko-fi memberships / Patreon Bonuses
Join to get monthly moonstones, event currency and a special monthly goodie bag at the highest tier!
See the membership tiers HERE
Join Key's Patreon for access to: Work-in-progress/Behind-the-scenes, Design First Dibs, Discount Commissions and more!
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Wildwhim Soirée, Dimensional Disarray, ArtFight!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by nopalrabbitWildwhim Soirée
Happy Wildwhim Soiree, everyone!! With the warmer seasons comes the wild winds of the Wildwhim Soiree. Winds blow heavily this time of year, picking up petals and creating intense windstorms. Some xyns enjoy wind surfing, while others just like to watch the tornadoes. Xyns with the wind element are powered up during this time, so daredevils often get their friends to pump up the windstorms! Magic is usually either intense or dull day by day, you never know what could happen! This is the result of tiny sprites and faeries messing with the magic sources. Popular activities are windsurfing, adventuring in search of wild magic, singing (as the winds carry their voices well) and vexyn strength tournaments! Vexyns are usually feeling competitive, amped up by the wild magic, so they compete in tournaments to see who's stronger!
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
Dimensional Disarray continues!
The Dimensional Disarray crossover event with Bepotelkh continues until July31st! Show your Xyns helping out the inhabitants of the Silkkassa and Miatias fight off corruption beasts, heal the corrupted aitielkh and celebrate their victories! Make sure to get everything you want from the Dimensional shop before Periwrinkle goes home at the end of the event!
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
Get to the shop by selecting World > Shops > Dimensional Shop
Dimensional disarray lost baby Raffle!
As you're continuing to help out with the dimensional tear to Silkkassa; you see a very concerned-looking Saber flying towards you.
"You." Saber's gruff voice makes you a bit wary but you stay to listen to them. "Orphaned xynlets are going missing from my orphanage." Saber growls, looking shaken. "I can't find them anywhere in Lunerest, I'm afraid the portal is pulling them through since they have such little magic at that age." Saber's rainbow-cloaked eyes shine with desperation. "Please, can you go look for them in Silkkassa? I talked to Oberon and he said it's definitely possible."
You aren't sure you're up to the task, but you hesitantly agree. Saber's wing grabs you into a warm hug.
"Thank you." they murmur.
It seems there are moxlets getting pulled through to Silkkassa!
Draw a fullbody, full-colour Lunerest character gift art to be entered into the raffle for one of the following moxlets:
Reward: 1 raffle ticket to a xynlet raffle and 2 lunar gildes OR 2 fairy dusts (please specify)
-You may use artfight attacks for raffle entries, but you may not use the same art for a raffle entry and entering the "Lunerest Artfight Bonus 2023". (No double-dipping).
-Max 5 entries per xynlet per person.
Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category
art fight 2023 bonus
Hey, you! Are you competing in Art Fight this year?
Well, good news! If you draw any Lunerest characters, you can submit the art via our Art Fight Bonus prompt! See the prompt for rules, details and rewards. You can received Lunar Gildes OR Fairy Dust for your submissions!
Get to the Art Fight Bonus prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Event category
shop updates 
Sparkler Antennae - Gives your pixyn antennae that sparkle like little fireworks.
Elemental Tail - Gives your xyn's tail the quality of one of the Lunerestian elements.
Floral Wings - Gives your xyn's wings to be replaced with flowers and/or petals.
Floating Horns - Gives your xyn's horns that are no longer attached to their body and float above their head somewhere! (Can be combined with any other horns)
These New Limited traits are available in Revel's Event Shop!
Isis has a new item in her Moonstoon shop! This scroll allows you to instantly grow your xynlet!
MOONSTONE SHOP ANNOUNCEMENT: The "jar of vapour" item will be increasing in price from 5 moonstones to 15 moonstones for game balance. Buy them while they're discounted!
In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop, Sprinkle's Resource Exchange and Calliope's Treasures has been rotated!
July plushie cabinet and Advent Calendar
New plushies will be available for July! Make sure to click the ADVENT CALENDAR everyday and participate in the limited events to collect them all!
World Expanded Map Updates
Lunerest's maps has been updated! Keep an eye out on our World Expanded page for new location art as we explore the world of Lunerest!
Find the Map by going to World -> World Expanded
lunerest ko-fi memberships
Join to get monthly moonstones, event currency and a special monthly goodie bag at the highest tier!
See the membership tiers HERE
Starshine Carousal + Dimensional Disarray
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by nopalrabbit"Haha, woah, there's a lot going on this month! Maybe you can help out or just enjoy the Starshine Carousal..."
Starshine Carousal
The stars shine brightest this time of the year, they're almost bright enough that it looks like daytime in Lunerest! The xyns celebrate by holding carnivals and visiting the highest peaks of mountains where star shrines are located. The carnivals usually consist of games to win prizes, food and performances like concerts! The shrines are often in very remote, quiet areas. Xyns bring offerings to the stars and spend time with loved ones under the increased light. Who knows, they might see a shooting star to grant their wishes!
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
Dimensional Disarray: corruption in silkkassa
Ryu and Yuhi were quietly reading together in the castle when the moxyn-ambassador known as Matka materialized in front of them in a panic. The queens immediately jumped up in, grabbing their telestones and contacting the knights and Oberon. "Ermm," Matka looked away, "They maybe cast a moon ritual that summoned Lunerest's moons power." Matka rubbed the back of their head with their wing. "They WHAT??" Ryu could be heard from the other room. "How did they even know how to do that? Where did they get the moonflowers? Urgh..." Yuhi shook her head, "I guess it doesn't matter now, we need all the help we can get. CAVVY!!!" Yuhi shouted at the top of her lungs. After a few minutes, the puffy black and white moxyn walked in slowly. "Wha-" Cavvy was about to begin sleepily but Yuhi grabbed them with her magic and held them at eye-level. "Cavvy, you need to spread the news: a portal opened up in another dimension and corruption beasts are attacking." The moxyn immediately began to bristle at the words 'corruption beast'. "We need lullay knights, royal knights, anyone proficient in magic, anyone at all. We need everyone's help." "Yes, my moon." Cavvy responded hastily, plopping to the floor and scuttling off once the queen released them. "I hope we can act fast enough." Yuhi muttered to herself. --- A portal has opened up in Silkkassa allowing Lunerest's power to flow into the dimension and powering up corruption in that dimension. The queens need your xyn's help to deal with the corruption beasts and save Silkkassa! Xyns are needed to heal corruption, fight back the corruption beasts, find any lost Silkkassans in Lunerest, help Oberon seal the newly-made portal and provide any support they can! Show your xyn helping Silkkassa in whatever way they can. Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts! Meet Matka here! Read more of the story here! |
We are raffling off a few moodboard MYOs again; check out the available moodboard MYOs here!
Tickets are available both in the Charm Shop and Dimensional Shop.
Moodboard tickets will be purchasable June 1st - June 30th. The raffle winners will be picked July 1st!
dimensional disarray shop
New traits have been leaked through the dimensions! And a curious little shroomkin has opened shop here on Lunerest to trade you these goodies for Lunar Gildes.
Aitielkh Halo - Gives your xyn a halo made of floating flowers and gems like an aitielkh floating flowercrown trait.
Lamb Ears - Gives your xyn soft oval shaped ears that flop halfway down the head.
Swat Tail - Gives your xyn a spunky little tail like a Miatian habapi.
Gemstone Antlers - Gives your xyn horns shaped like antlers, either made of gemstone or infused with gemstone.
Sparkling Spore Trail - An enchated accessory that sprinkles glittery mushroom spores.
Get to this shop by selecting World > Shops > Dimensional Shop
shop updates 
Star-shaped Nose - Gives your xyn a star shaped nose like a starmole.
Elemental Mane - Gives your xyn mane the quality of one of the Lunerestian elements.
Shooting Star Halo - Gives your xyn a halo made out of a shooting star.
These New Limited traits are available in Revel's Event Shop!
Introducing sodas! Sodas will give you a random trait potion revolving around a theme. They'll be available in various shops! (Check out the Charm and Dimensional shops for these!)
Uncommon MYO coins are now available in Spright's shop!
In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop, Sprinkle's Resource Exchange and Calliope's Treasures has been rotated!
New enchanted accessories in the moonstone shop!
june plushie cabinet
New plushies will be available for June! Make sure to click the advent calendar everyday and partcipate in the limited events to collect them all!
June 2023 Raffle!
The raffle this month is Cupid's Sky by Cirsilanne! This raffle runs until June 30th.
Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category
A reminder that users can participate in creating raffle designs in exchange for moonstones and special traits! Find the rules under the "Raffle Design Creation" prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> General Prompts category.
Luckflower Ball, Advent Calendar and Lost Letters!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by KeyLuckflower ball
Happy Luckflower Ball! Lunerest is covered in flowers and plant-life and the xyns are ready to celebrate! Huge parties and balls are held, covered in flowers and covers grown by the pixyns of Lunerest. There's a ton of dancing, fancy outfits and fine dining. The world is just covered in tons of colourful and vibrant foliage, so xyns are often invited to tour gardens, pick some flowers and maybe find some lucky charms like 4 leaf clovers or special coloured flowers! Flowercrowns are worn often, the xyns believe adorning themselves in plants will bring them luck!
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
Check in everyday for a new currency, galaxy drachma, or sometimes it'll be a special item! And the end of the month there will be a plushie! Don't worry though, the plushie and other items will be available for purchase, with galaxy drachma, over at Calliope's Treasure's Shop!
Click here for the calendar! 
Lost letters!
Help Rudy find letters that got blown away in a strong storm while he was out delivering mail. If your xyn lends their paw to help, they'll be rewarded with a new companion!
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
This event runs through the end of May!
shop updates 
Fin Wings - Gives your xyn wings shaped like fins.
Shinylight - Gives your xyn a shiny bobble on it's head like an angler fish.
Bloom-tipped Horns - Gives your xyn flower like blooms at the end of their horn.
These New Limited traits are available in Revel's Event Shop!
In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop and Sprinke's Resource Exchange has been rotated!
odds and ends
- Sooshi's Soup Competition ends May 5th!
- site clock now runs on EST
- New plushie cabinent acheivements!
- IMPORTANT: The discord blossom currency will be discontinued MAY 22nd, there will be special opportunities to spend them in the discord. Please spend your blossoms (or turn them into charms) BEFORE 11:59 EST MAY 22nd. There will be sales specifically for blossoms coming up!
MAy 2023 Raffle!
The raffle this month is Poodle Moth Pixyn! This raffle runs until May 31st.
Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category
Crystalbud Gala, Plushies and SOUP!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by nopalrabbitCrystalbud Gala
Happy Crystalbud Gala! Everything in Lunerest is beginning to grow and the pixyns are hard at work! After the rainbowstorms, the plantlife around Lunerest begins to take on shimmery-crystal-like qualities. Lunerest itself seems to sparkle around this time since all of the plants are! Xyns celebrate this time with dances and fashion shows that incorporate sparkly material and plants. Xyns who like to garden love this time and take the time to care for their gardens and farms. Many xyns take this opportunity to explore Lunerest since the weather is mild and the wilderness sparkles!
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
lunerest plushie cabinet!
Lunerest now has an award system! Earn plushies for your cabinet by doing prompts, submitting art and more! More awards will be added in the future, can you collect them all?
Browse the plushies by selecting World > Encyclopedia > Plushie categories OR All Plushies
You can also see your plushie awards via your profile!
Plushie Cabinet Achievment prompts are located here!
The Cooking Contest is here: soup!
After a long moon of gathering ingredients, the time to show your xyn's cooking skill is here!
Sooshi will be holding the competition in Moonreach! There will be a small fairground with the tasting table, Sooshi's specialty soup available for tasting and ingredient vendors selling their goods!
And remember, there will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize!
1st: A custom limited tier xyn, a special pet, a crown halo potion, 50 moonstones and the 1st place trophy!
2nd: A special pet, a common myo coin, 30 moonstones and the 2nd place trophy!
3rd: A special pet, 15 moonstones and the 3rd place trophy!
*Mystery pet will only be obtainable via competitions.
Now's your chance to show off what you can cook up!
-Great Gourmand Sooshi"
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
This event only runs until May 5th!
shop updates 
Dragon Whiskers - Gives your xyn long dragon-like whiskers.
Diamond Shaped Horns - Gives your diamond shaped horns.
Halo of Sparkles - Gives your xyn a halo made out of sparkles.
These New Limited traits are available in Revel's Event Shop!
Looks like Spright has something curious
in their shop this month....
In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop and Sprinke's Resource Exchange has been rotated!
April 2023 Raffle!
The raffle this month is Spring Bird moxyn!This raffle runs until April 31st.
Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category
Rainbowstorm Renaissance and Dagaz's Birthday Bash!!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by KeyRainbowstorm Renaissance
Happy Rainbowstorm Renaissance! The rumblings of the rainbowstorms have begun and daring xyns are once again out storm chasing! The rainbow lightning and warmer air has all of Lunerest excited. Xyns all over gather to watch the brilliant storm displays, chase the storms or just sit and watch the rain with a good book and cup of tea. There's often games, dares and competitions going on during the storms and xyns all over are preparing for the bursts of flowers and spring after the storm.
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
dagaz's birthday bash!!
Party hardy! It's Dagaz's birthday month and she's holding a huge party in the ornamental gardens of Moonreach!
Your xyn is invited to come party with Dagaz!
There's dancing, music, singing, flower-viewing, games and even sky-watching!
rainbowstorm renaissance moodboard raffles!
Dagaz has designed a MYO moodboard raffle for her birthday! Enter the raffle with tickets purchasable in the charm shop. Additional tickets can be obtained from dagaz's birthday bash prompt or rng from rainbow clovers!
Get to the charm shop by selecting World > Shops > Charm Shop.
Birthday Bash Prompt!
Draw your xyn celebrating at Dagaz's birthday party! Xyns who participate will get a rainbow clover lootbox and other goodies!
Read more about this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
Birthday Bash Scavenger hunt!
Go on a scavenger hunt to find rainbow clover loot boxes! Start the scavenger hunt HERE!
Ingredient Search! The Cooking Contest Approaches
As you're enjoying a particularly warm night, a flyer suddenly flutters into view! You see a deliveryxyn wink at you as they fly away.
You wave and turn your attention to the paper:
"You're invited to participate in Lunerest's first extravagant cooking competition!
The theme this time is: soup!
Think up your tastiest and most fantastical creation for a chance to win!
There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize!
1st: A custom limited tier xyn, a special pet, a crown halo potion, 50 moonstones and the 1st place trophy!
2nd: A special pet, a common myo coin, 30 moonstones and the 2nd place trophy!
3rd: A special pet, 15 moonstones and the 3rd place trophy!
*Mystery pet will only be obtainable via competitions.
Now's your chance to show off what you can cook up!
-Great Gourmand Sooshi"
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
This event only runs until March 13th!
shop updates 
Hat Halo - Gives your xyn a halo shaped like any type of hat! Glowing optional.
Fairy Dust - Gives your xyn the ability to fly without wings.
Trinket Halo - Gives your xyn a halo made out of small objects.
Rainbow Step - Give your xyn the ability to stand on rainbows. Rainbows can also trail from their pawpads.
These New Limited traits are available in Revel's Event Shop!
In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop and Sprinke's Resource Exchange has been rotated!
Gemheart Faire! and Gemheartbreak?!
Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by nopalrabbitGemheart faire
Happy Gemheart Faire! Xyns are celebrating their precious bonds throughout this month. Not only do they celebrate their partners, but also their friends, family and companions. The Gemheart Faire celebrates all kinds of love! There are many festivals, dances, poetry competitions and special event nights. Xyns who really love each other present their partners with gems in the shape of a heart to express their eternal love and affection towards one another. It's a love fest!
Draw or write about your xyn celebrating the Gemheart Faire! Do they have a special somexyn? Are they participating in the festivals? Selling their goods for gifts?
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
Oh no! Gemheartbreak!
Your xyn is breathing in the beautiful sights of Moonreach, drinking in the elaborate space-rock architecture and magical plants the royal gardener pixyns attend to. The temperature is just cold enough to flurry gently, but not cold enough to be unbearable. Your xyn continues enjoying the sights and celebrations until they're approached by a rather dejected-looking Crowe! The usually bouncy go-lucky xyn's wings drag upon the ground as he approaches you, his ears drooping sadly.
"Hey there..!" Crowe tries to sound enthusiastic but their tone is heavy with sorrow. "I'm not sure how to ask this but... could you do something nice for Cavvy? They're usually having a hard time around this time of year because they love winter but um..." Crowe chokes up a bit and looks away, "Well, you know." Crowe takes a steadying breath and looks back at your xyn, "Just anything to make their day better! Maybe helping them with their chores or showing them some old tome or bringing them flowers that they like? Just don't tell them I sent you...please."
Crowe wants you to help him try to make Cavvy happier! Cavvy loves winter, the Frostfall Festival, white flowers, books, knowledge and quiet music.
Cavvy does not like dimension-hopping, sweets or loud parties.
Crowe is offering a rare gemheart shard, a jar of vapour and some currency as a reward!
Gemheart shards allow you to guarantee any trait gets passed down from a parent xyn when breeding.
Get to this prompt by selecting World > Prompts > Event Prompts!
This event only runs until February 19th!
breeding updates!
The Breeding Guide and rules have been revamped! Now only one jar of vapour is needed to breed, which you can earn by doing vapour prompts. The new gemheart shard item has been introduced and is available for a limited time during the Gemheartbreak event prompt!
shop updates 
Rose-shaped Horns - Gives your xyn rose-shaped horns.
Transparent Wings - Gives your xyn transparent wings
Heart-shaped Wings - Gives your xyn heart-shaped wings.
Heart-shaped Pawpads - Gives your xyn heart-shaped pawpads.
These New Limited traits are available in Revel's Event Shop!
In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop and Sprinke's Resource Exchange has been rotated!
January 2023 Raffle!
The raffle this month is Raspberry Chocobun moxyn!This raffle runs until Jan 31st.
Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category