MOX-494: Tide

Owned by Tiny_Tones


Tide struggles with people, he doesn't quite understand how others function and often comes off as strange. While it doesn't intend anything to be rude, brash, or otherwise unwelcome it doesn't know where those lines are. They have a great interest in watching others interact. Often they mimic the phrases or gestures they see others do, more often than not using them incorrectly or at the wrong time. 

While he can speak and has a great understanding of language and vocabulary, Tide is often nonverbal. Many times it just prefers to be an unseen watcher of gatherings, festivals, ect... Even with this they are far from antisocial. Often being upset if away from others for long periods of time. 

Activities that have clear cut steps are their favorite, alchemy and other sciences being preferred to more open ended concepts. While they can enjoy those they often won't engage with them unless prompted by someone else. 

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