Pandelirious Pandelirious

31 January 2022 (3 years ago)
295 Charms
234 Moonstones
121 Galaxy Drachma
21 Ice Coins
15 Love Shards
20 Drops of Rainbow
12 Crystal Petals
11 Everblooms
9 Star Pieces
7 Fairy Dust
39 Pocket Meteors
18 Half Leaves
23 Colourshrooms
6 Flamebits
8 Snow Silvers
5 Special Event Coins
4 Seasonal Blessings
Drachma Pouch
Toy Dino Vexyn Plushie Baggie
Splash of Colour Pixyn Plushie Baggie
Drachma Pouch
Plushie Cabinet



chombies Avatar
chombies they/them

Pspsps hi! I have a Lil Tux Gremmle if you're still looking to trade your Star Mole!

2024-01-14 07:52:21

Pandelirious Avatar

Oh, heck yes! Let us totally trade 8DDD

2024-01-14 14:25:01

chombies Avatar
chombies they/them

Heck yeah! I'll send over the creature! Tysvm! ;u;

2024-01-14 15:51:34

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