Prompt Categories
General Prompts
These prompts are ongoing! You can do them whenever you'd like!
Moxlets and Vexlets cannot do prompts until they grow up.
Daily Prompts
Prompts that can only be done once per day!
Event Prompts
The residents of Lunerest LOVE TO CELEBRATE! Here's where you'll be updated on events, check back every month!
Growth Prompts
No charms are earned from these, but if you do one, your moxlet or vexlet will grow up and be able to participate in all activities!
Mastery Prompts
For unlocking unique features or honing your xyn's skills!
Quest Chains
Prompts that are a part of a longer questline!
any raffles that are ongoing!
Royal Knight Quests (Introductory)
Welcome, recruits! The world of Lunerest is dangerous, corruption beasts roam the land and xyns get lost and fallen. This is why the royal knights and lullay knights exist, to defend cities and save xyns.
The royal knights primarily defend Lunerestians by fighting corruption beasts and scouting for danger.
Scout: Scouts of the royal knights search for corruption beasts or sources of corruption and report to their leaders. They can also search for lost or corrupt xyns. They’re usually fast, clever and resourceful.
Fighter: Fighters of the royal knights are the frontline and main protectors. They fight corruption beasts and guard lullay knights. They’re usually brave, strong and tenacious.
Lullay Knight Quests (Introductory)
Welcome, recruits! The world of Lunerest is dangerous, corruption beasts roam the land and xyns get lost and fallen. This is why the royal knights and lullay knights exist, to defend cities and save xyns.
The lullay knights primarily defend Lunerest by healing and bolstering defenses.
Lullay Knight Specializations:
Healer: Healers of the lullay knights heal wounds and cure corruption. They either heal on the sidelines, in hospitals or go out on missions to find and cure corrupt xyns. They must be disciplined, adaptable and patient.
Mender: Menders of the lullay knights cast enchantments and repair armor during battles. They’re proficient in protection magic and spells that protect against corruption. They cannot cure corruption themselves but they are the main line of defense. They must be ever-ready, versatile and focused.
Scout Quests
Scouts of the royal knights search for corruption beasts or sources of corruption and report to their leaders. They can also search for lost or corrupt xyns. They’re usually fast, clever and resourceful.
Fighter Quests
Fighters of the royal knights are the frontline and main protectors. They fight corruption beasts and guard lullay knights. They’re usually brave, strong and tenacious.
Healer Quests
Healers of the lullay knights heal wounds and cure corruption. They either heal on the sidelines, in hospitals or go out on missions to find and cure corrupt xyns. They must be disciplined, adaptable and patient.
Mender Quests
Menders of the lullay knights cast enchantments and repair armor during battles. They’re proficient in protection magic and spells that protect against corruption. They cannot cure corruption themselves but they are the main line of defense. They must be ever-ready, versatile and focused.