Mini News Post - Blood Moon Eclipse

Posted 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 weeks ago by Key

joyous? cursed? blood moon eclipse to you all!!!

I have a tiny update...

New Xyn Trait

Eclipse Halo: Your xyn's halo resembles either a solar or lunar eclipse.
This halo is viewed differently depending on the type of eclipse exhibited:

-Lunar Eclipse: Cursed/Bad Luck/False Prophecies/Bad Omens
-Solar Eclipse: Power/Heart/Good Tidings/Blessed Omens

A rare new limited trait similar to moon halo! Now available in the ArtFight Shop.

Eclipse Sale

Comments open at 2 PM EST!!!
Click to view the sale

Bad Luck Lore

Things that are thought to be unlucky or bad omens in Lunerest:

-The moon(s) being obscured (eclipse/clouds/etc.) - thought to be bad luck and signal bad omens..
-Broken or fragmented stars - thought to be symbols of bad luck and broken dreams
-Equipment/clothing/accessories worn when corrupted - said to be bad luck and bring bad fortune
-Not saying goodbye - thought to be bad luck and bad omens to relationships

HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THIS LIL UPDATE!!!! happy? eclipse 🖤🖤🖤🖤


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