Cozyhearth Gathering + MYO Bonus Month!!!!
Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by KeyCozyHearth Gathering
Happy Cozyhearth Gathering everyone! It is once again time for xyns to gather and celebrate fire, warmth and togetherness! Fire elements are extra strong and xyns are gathering around for huge campfires, stories and carnivals with games themed around flames. There are firebreathing contests, potlucks, ring toss games, sweets, it's all around a wonderful time and xyns are encouraged to spend time with those they love.
Get to this prompt by selecting Play > Prompts > Event Prompts!
myo Bonus Month
This month is MYO Bonus month! When submitting a MYO you can choose any one extra uncommon-limited trait to add onto xyns or any one extra uncommon-seasonal trait to add to faefolk.
Each MYO will also earn you a floppy moxyn plushie! You can choose whichever one you'd like as a bonus.
Please include which extra trait you're using for free and which plushie you want in the "Comments" of your MYO submission.
You can submit a MYO, xynlet, gacha egg, breeding, etc. - as long as you're using up a MYO slot it will count for a bonus!
(Growths/Redesigns/Design Updates do not count - you must use a MYO slot.)
You may have other people design your MYOs; only the submitter gets the bonus.
Secret xanta Signups!

Limited Traits:
Will o Wisp: Small spirit-like flames follow your xyn wherever they go.
Cloud Shaped Horns: Your xyn's horns are shaped like clouds.
Hallowed Traits:
Trait-Shifter: Allows your xyn to swap between two or more traits. You must have the potion/sticker for every trait.
(For example: if your xyn was going to switch between no wings and celestine wings, you would need a rare trait sticker, a celestine wings potion and a hallowed trait sticker for trait shifter.)
Can be used for xyns or faefolk.
New Enchanted Accessories:
Enchanted Journal: Allows parts of your xyn to be made of paper!
New Pwigi Colours:
Carrier Pwigi, Lemon Pwigi and Dreamscape Pwigi are now available in the Pwigi Cage prize pool!
In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop, Sprinkle's Resource Exchange and Calliope's Treasures has been rotated!
NoVember 2024 raffle!
This month's design is the Fallen Leaves moxyn! This raffle runs through November 30th.
Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category
A reminder that users can participate in creating raffle designs in exchange for moonstones and special traits! Find the rules under the "Raffle Design Creation" prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> General Prompts category.
lunerest ko-fi memberships
Join to get monthly moonstones, event currency and a special monthly goodie bag at the highest tier!
See the membership tiers HERE
Upcoming sales
December Advent Calendar
December 20 - Snowy Memories by remmy
December 21 - Frosty Carol by hiu
December 22 - Mystical Mistletoe by key
December 23 - Shimmering Gift by key
December 24 - Celestial Eve by mothling
December 25 - Christmas Miracle by jaywalkings
December 26 - North Comet by northfarer
December 27 - Glittering Spruce by noctli
December 28 - Joyful Bells by Tav
December 29 - Crystal Juniper by galestormkitsune
December 30 - Dashing Aurora by ambunny
December 31 - Starlight Blizzard by lordstarryface
January 1 - New Wishes by sacchim