Leafdusk Fete + Anniversary + Moonsoath Tournament!

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Key

Leafdusk Fete

During the Leafdusk Fete, the plants around Lunerest are fading from their normal colours to bright yellows and oranges. The xyns celebrate the changing of the seasons with the Leafdusk Fete! The weather is cooler and light from the moon doesn't last as long. Many xyns enjoy this change from the hot months to the cooler ones. During the Leafdusk Fete there’s always a huge scavenger hunt! Ryu and Yuhi hide dawnberry flowers among the changing leaves and xyns that bring one to them are rewarded with sweets! There’s a huge sky-dance among the changing leaves that happens every night around bonfires. Xyns start to sell cozier accessories like scarves and earmuffs and there’s a craft market that starts up! There’s always good food and merriment to be had during the Leafdusk Fete!

11-icon.png Get to this prompt by selecting Play > Prompts > Event Prompts! 11-icon.png

happy 5 years of lunerest!!!!!

free Myos + recruitment event!!!!

To celebrate 5 years of Lunerest, we have the nightsky myo box available for free in Spright's Shop! Anyone is able to claim it once! It will leave the shop on October 1st.

The recruitment event also returns! Submit a claim with the username of the person you recruited and you both will get one lunar referral envelope.
[If you recruited someone last month, you may also claim this<3]

If you recruit 5 people you can claim ANY ONE LIMITED OR ALCHEMIST potion! Please include which potion you want in your 5th claim.

Recruitment event runs through September 30th.

Toybox's Anniversary pop-up shop!

Toybox's shop is open for this month only! Toybox is selling retired plushies as well as rare items!

Check them out under Play -> Shops!

moonsoath tournament

The first ever Moonsoath Tournament is here! Does your xyn want to prove they are super cool and skilled? Well, now's their chance!
The 1st place prize is an extremely rare enchanted artifact!
Moonsoath Tournament
Read more by going to Play -> Prompts -> Event Prompts


Limited Traits:

Leaf Ears: Your xyn's ears are shaped like leaves! Optionally, they can be coloured like leaves as well.
Dimensional Shatter: Parts of your xyn are fractured out of this reality; parts can fracture in and out.
Square Horns: Your xyn has square shaped horns!

New Enchanted Accessories:

Enchanted Musical Instrument: Your xyn has a small enchanted instrument that follows them!


In addition to Revel's Shop update, Isis Moonstone Shop, Sprinkle's Resource Exchange and Calliope's Treasures has been rotated!

patch notes

-Enchanted accessories now give +1 charm when drawn with your xyn!
-You can now draw the featured xyn (fullbody, coloured) for the last day advent prize once per month! Yes, you can do it and also complete the calendar to get two of the end prize.
Is the featured xyn your own xyn? Good, draw them anyway for the bonus!

September 2024 raffle!

This month's design is the Autumn Skies moxyn! This raffle runs through September 30th.

Special this month-only: If you draw giftart of a xyn that was made this month, earn +2 half leaves.

Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category

A reminder that users can participate in creating raffle designs in exchange for moonstones and special traits! Find the rules under the "Raffle Design Creation" prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> General Prompts category.

lunerest ko-fi memberships

Join to get monthly moonstones, event currency and a special monthly goodie bag at the highest tier!
See the membership tiers HERE

Upcoming sales

Xynlet Anniversary Sale
September 12th
[This will be a charm sale, all charms will then be raffled back to the group post sale. Raffle tickets will be purchasable in the shop.]

October Advent Calendar
October 20 - Wisp Parade by galestormkitsune
October 21 - Maple Pathways by northfarer
October 22 - Acorn Harvest by remmy
October 23 - Pumpkin Party by key
October 24 - Auburn Teakwood by jaywalkings
October 25 - Hazel Bonfire by ambunny
October 26 - Golden Undergrowth by Tav
October 27 - Wild Berries by noctli
October 28 - Warm Spices by lordstarryface
October 29 - Knitted Blankets by sacchim
October 30 - Mushroom Spores by mothling
October 31 - Halloween Ghosts by hiu

December Advent Calendar
December 20 - Snowy Memories by remmy
December 21 - Frosty Carol by hiu
December 22 - Mystical Mistletoe by key
December 23 - Shimmering Gift by key
December 24 - Celestial Eve by mothling
December 25 - Christmas Miracle by jaywalkings
December 26 - North Comet by northfarer
December 27 - Glittering Spruce by noctli
December 28 - Joyful Bells by Tav
December 29 - Crystal Juniper by galestormkitsune
December 30 - Dashing Aurora by ambunny
December 31 - Starlight Blizzard by lordstarryface
January 1 - New Wishes by sacchim

 and miscellaneous key sales as always x"D


Key and Freya will be gone September 14th, the mods will be in charge! ❤


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