Leafdusk Fete and Free MYO Month + Referrals!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Key

During the Leafdusk Fete, the plants around Lunerest are fading from their normal colours to bright yellows and oranges. The xyns celebrate the changing of the seasons with the Leafdusk Fete! The weather is cooler and the days are getting shorter. Many xyns enjoy this change from the hot months to the cooler ones. During the Leafdusk Fete there’s always a huge scavenger hunt! Ryu and Yuhi hide dawnberry flowers among the changing leaves and xyns that bring one to them are rewarded with sweets! There’s a huge sky-dance among the changing leaves that happens every night around bonfires. Xyns start to sell cozier accessories like scarves and earmuffs and there’s a craft market that starts up! There’s always good food and merriment to be had during the Leafdusk Fete!

Get to this prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Event Prompts

Happy 4 years of Lunerest!!!

Note from Key: I am eternally grateful for everyone's love, support and enthusiasm for Lunerest. Every day I am excited to wake up and work on new things, interact with the amazing community and enjoy playing in the huge world we've built together. I am looking forward to many more, I hope you all enjoy your MYOs and I look forwards to partying with you all!

As usual, we are doing a free MYO month for September! There is a new MYO box in Spright's Charm Shop.

We're also doing a referral bonus! This month- if you refer a friend and have them sign up, you will both receive an envelope from the queens!

To claim your envelopes, please have the referrer submit a claim with the username of the person they recruited.

New Traits 108-image.png


Tapestry Ears: Long, horizontal ears with fur dangling off of them. (Fur can be short or long)
Wisp Fur: Magical fur that resembles wisp-shapes! It gently flows upwards like real fire.
Crescent Horns: Horns that are shaped like crescents.


Size-Shifter: Allows your xyn to temporarily change the size of their body! It requires effort so it cannot be maintained for long periods of time but xyns can size-shift either parts of their body or their whole body! (For example: making their wings small or making their legs extra long).


Cotton Puff Ears: Large ears filled with significant amounts of fluff.
Standard Ears: will now be a rare pixyn trait.


Enter to win this Apple Pie Pixyn by drawing giftart!
This raffle runs through September 30th.

Get to the raffle prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> Raffles category

A reminder that users can participate in creating raffle designs in exchange for moonstones and special traits! Find the rules under the "Raffle Design Creation" prompt by going to World -> Prompts -> General Prompts category.

Rules/Item Changes

-Rules have been updated to remove "journals" since we're not on DA anymore!
-P2U lunerest themed bases are now allowed.
-The REROLL item has been updated in the interest of game balance, it can now only reroll common-rare traits! Limited or rarer traits will not be able to be rerolled.
-Chickles now give 2 bonus charms and Leafawns give 3 bonus charms! (Reversed from how it used to be since chickles are simpler to drawn than leafawns).

New Extensions and Features

-Character Links: link your characters and describe their relationships!
-Pronouns on profile: accessible under "settings".
-User Shops: you can now own your own shop to put your extra items in and sell to other users!
-Username Changes: accessible under "settings".

*We are aware of a few bugs with the new features like the profile error and character linking error, we are working to solve these!

Free Assets

-New Free to Use Lunerest bases by nopalrabbit! These are for personal use only, they cannot be coloured for profit. Click here 

-New Free to Use  Lunerest Dividers by key! Click here

-New FAQ page added under the "Info" tab.

Upcoming Events and Sales:

-Cozy Autumn Vibes Advent: October 22-31.
-Nightmare Before Christmas Advent: December 21-January 1.
-Random Other Key's design sales of chaos.

lunerest ko-fi memberships / Patreon Bonuses

Join to get monthly moonstones, event currency and a special monthly goodie bag at the highest tier!
See the membership tiers HERE

Join Key's Patreon for access to: Work-in-progress/Behind-the-scenes, Design First Dibs, Discount Commissions and more!


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