The Song Within
“...Are we lost?”
Percy asked worriedly, glancing over at the compass in Seren’s paws. The other moxyn patted snow off it, and tilted it back and forth.
“I must admit, I’m not quite sure…” Seren replied, somewhat sheepishly. Then he looked around, trying to reorient the duo. Although winter was over now, the Frostouched Pines remained dauntingly cold as always. Even as the xyns took temporary shelter from the snow by resting behind a tree, the wind continued to howl around them. “The compass seems to have been leading us in this direction for a while now. Say, maybe we’re getting somewhere!”
Percy nodded. “Good thing we both have scarves, otherwise this journey would be a lot rougher…” he commented with a sigh. Two round ears emerged from under his scarf as his luminuki friend wriggled out with a frosty squeak of agreement.
Seren approached to give the luminuki a reassuring pat. “Let’s wait for the snow to let up a little before continuing,” he suggested. “I’m sure we’re all tired from braving all this wind!”
“Yeah…” Percy breathed out as he stretched. “I feel like my ears are about to fall off with how cold-- Hm…?”
He trailed off. There was something in the wind, something… melodic. Music? Was it playing in his head again? … No, that wasn't it. It was faint, but it sounded like… singing? He turned to Seren, who tilted his head in confusion.
“Hey, Seren? Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“Singing! From… over there… I think.”
The two fell silent, straining their ears to listen. Sure enough, amidst the chilling wind, was the faintest singing voice. Seren’s eyes widened. He looked down at the compass, and turned it slightly.
“I can hear it! I think the direction matches up, too!”
The two looked at each other, nodded, and ventured into the forest.
- - -
As they followed the compass, they found the wind becoming gentler. The singing voice, too, was growing clearer. The two travellers soon found themselves in a clearing, covered in beautiful flowers. At the centre was a boulder - and on it, back turned to them, was a moxyn. She held her head high as she sang an ethereal tune. Under the light of the moons, her dark navy pelt seemed to have a silvery sheen to it…
“Who are you two?”
The question, asked in a quiet yet clearly guarded voice, was what snapped Percy out of his trance. Looking straight at him and Seren was the same xyn, still on her makeshift stage. At either side of her were two kinpans - one blue, one red - her original audience, it seemed. When had she stopped singing? Percy awkwardly scrambled to sit straight.
“W-we mean no harm! I… I’m Percy!” He pointed hurriedly at his friend. “And this is Seren! We’re… we’re just travellers!”
“Travellers, you say…” After a moment, the moxyn nodded, and hopped down from the boulder. “It is rude to stare without permission. Keep that in mind…” she huffed quietly. “If you have nothing to do here, you should leave.” With that, she turned her head, and began walking away.
“Wait, miss!” Seren called, startling the luminuki (which gave an indignant squeak) with how loud he was.
“…What is it?”
“I just want to say that… I think your song was very beautiful!” Seren smiled. “All of the emotions in it… It made me think about the start of my journey.”
The stranger blinked. After a few quiet moments, she turned around to address Seren. “...Thank you. It has been a while since my last performance…”
“Oh…! Is that so?” the small xyn immediately remarked. Feeling an awkward silence beginning to fall upon them, Percy decided to speak up.
“We, um, were led here by this compass. We thought following it might give us some clues on where to go next…”
Upon seeing the compass, the stranger’s eyes flashed with recognition.
“A Clef Compass? …Oh, that must be why…”
“You know about this compass?” Percy’s ears perked up. “Can you tell us more about it?”
“You could say that I have some experience with it.” She goes silent once more, before speaking up again. “Would you mind telling me more?”
The duo gave a brief rundown of their journey so far.
“...And that’s when we happened to hear you singing!” Seren cheered.
“I see…” The stranger nodded. “Then it’s simple. All you need to do is sing.”
“Ah…” Percy nodded, before stopping. “S-sing?! But I’ve never done that before-- What if…”
Seren helpfully nudged them in the shoulder. “Only one way to find out! And besides, we’re a team - I’ll do my best to help you out, too!”
Percy looked at the dark xyn for reassurance, but their new ‘mentor’ seemed to be on the same wavelength. “Indeed. If you cannot sing, then hum.”
“For your first time, you did well enough,” the dark xyn mused.
“Woohoo!” Seren cheered, high-pawing their luminuki companion.
“Whew…” Percy murmured, having run out of breath long ago. Well, at least the clef compass seemed to be satisfied… Speaking of which, it was glowing brighter than ever now!
“Great! …Umm. Where does this lead?” Percy asked, blinking a few times.
Their mentor gave a cursory glance, before pointing her wing to the north-west. “You should be headed towards Wingfell now.”
The luminuki gave a head-start, eager to get back to the adventure. Percy hurried after it, and gently scooped it back up in their scarf. Seren caught up with them soon enough, chuckling all the way.
“Thank you!” he called over his shoulder with a spring in his step. “Say, Miss, why don’t you join us? You might be able to find more xyns who would love to hear a performance from you!”
As he turned back, expecting an answer, he was met with silence. The dark xyn had long disappeared, leaving only rose petals in her wake.
“Um…” Percy glanced at Seren nervously, suddenly very eager to get going.
“Hehe! What a stylish exit!” the smaller moxyn remarked.
“Well, we might as well take our leave, too, right, Percy?”
“Y… Yeah!”
Submitted By Eternlty
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Submitted: 2 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 2 weeks ago