[Gift] Cheri's Letters - #1

In Prompts ・ By Lndubitably
1 Favorite ・ 0 Comments

7 Clover Lane
2nd Day of Autumn, Year ••••

181 Hayride Circle

Dear Sprig,

Good morning (I think…)!! I hope everything is going OK over where you are, my lovely spiky friend! :) I can't believe it's already autumn - time flies when you're having fun, right!?

I wish I could see all the decorations you're going to set up for the coming season! Speaking of decorations, I actually placed an order to deliver you something yesterday, I don't know when it's arriving, the folk that sold it to me said I could choose free shipping if I don't mind the wait. It might arrive on “the 10th of Autumn”, but that's more than a week from now…) (Please read the date at the top of this letter, you'll see what I mean!)

I'm sure you're very very very curious about the item I ordered! I saw it while I was out shopping, and this craf [this section seems to have been crossed out, and then hastily erased…] caught my eye immediately! I knew right then and there, it would be perfect for a crea a for someone like you, I'm sure of it!

If you're impatient, Sprig, you have my permission to pause reading this letter, and open the present I've attached with it! I know I would! (I'm also very happy about the gift wrapping I chose!) It's portable, so you can bring it with you wherever you go! Please let me know what you think of it! :)

Speaking of thinking, I forgot I was talking about the new season! I'm going to do that right now! :0 I know, because it's autumn, Autumnswild (your territory!) is powered up, and Springnook (that's mine!) grows weaker, but it's OK! I'm OK, and I'm going to tell you why! :)

Yesterday, I woke up and did my morning routine, just like always: I tossed my pillows until they got fluffy, made my bed, and brushed my fur! It’s suuuper tricky getting the shape of my hair swirl right, you know!


Dun dun dun…!

Suddenly, I realized, my flowers were nowhere in sight! (You know, the little flowers that always follow me around everywhere!) Luckily, I was able to find them, they were in the corner of my room! But why, I thought? Maybe my magic was weakening? That’s when I realized another thing… It must have be the start of autumn! If it’s the start of autumn, then my magic would be weaker, because it’s Springnook’s turn to be a dead zone, right? :0

Oh, but don't you worry about little old me, Sprig! I set my flowers in a little bowl of water, so they could recover, and then I set off to help my fellow Springnook faefolk! :)

You wouldn't believe it, Springnook is normally so busy and bright, but yesterday it was really, really quiet, it was just like a silent movie! (Do you know what this is? It's like a play, except nobody says anything! :0)

I walked into the town square, and a lot of faefolk were crowding around a big flower garden. Well, it was supposed to be a flower garden, but you couldn't really tell unless you saw it the day before the seasons changed! A handful of faefolk were running around and trying to wake the flowers back up, and keep the grass green…! As I like to say, “slow and steady wins the race”. I knew that if we all calmed down and worked together, we could do it!

We sang together and worked on the flower garden, we had breakfast, we worked on it a bit more, we had morning tea, and lunch, and afternoon tea, as well… And then, we were able to finally heal the flowers! Well, one of the flower gardens, anyway, but everyone was really happy about it! And luckily enough for me, the shops were still open!

So, I went looking around, and saying hi to everyone else, and then I read a brochure in the newspaper! It was about useful presents to gift family and friends, and I think of you and Tristen as my friends, so I read it for ages. I finally found the perfect gift for you, a craf- [this word has been crossed out…?]

Oopsie-daisy! I almost ruined the surprise!

(Well, if you paused reading the letter earlier, when I said it was okay to look at your present early, then you might already know what it is! :) But I'm writing a letter right now, so I don't know if you know yet! Ahhh, isn't this confusing? :’0)

Anyway, I placed an order for it right away! Things are a little slow over here right now, so it'll take a little while for it (and this letter, too!) to arrive, but I'm sure once it arrives, it'll be in wonderful condition! I'm super excited to know what you think of it! I also really want to see what you decide to make with it! Ooh, did I spoil the surprise? Just kidding, that was on purpose! Teehee, I got you just now, didn't I! >:)

Happy autumn, Sprig! Try not to catch a cold, OK?

Your friend,

[Gift] Cheri's Letters - #1
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By Lndubitably

870 words

In which Cheri tells Sprig about the gift she got for them... while doing her best to NOT tell them about said gift!


I spent a long time writing this in-character letter, to the point the season completely changed! 😢

It was so much fun writing in Cheri's voice - I was able to explore a lot of her character this way... Plus, I was smiling the entire time I worked on this piece! ♪ I wonder what Sprig received, after all...?  Since we're the players, and not the characters, there's no way we'd know... right?

Submitted By LndubitablyView Favorites
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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