Comments on Secret Xanta: Signups Closed!

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2023-11-06 11:38:56 (Edited 2023-11-27 13:07:28)

39friend Avatar

Lorekeeper Username: 39friend
Reference(s) of xyn(s) you would like drawn: , , , , or 
Holiday Theme?: preferrably not :'D
Your Xanta's Letter: moon halo potion, light motes potion, starcoat potion, tapestry ears potion, not a phase moxyn plushie, hallowed trait sticker,  noodle body potion, rare myo coin
Volunteer to be a backup artist?: no thank you!

2023-11-10 02:56:56 (Edited 2023-11-27 13:28:53)

northfarer Avatar

Lorekeeper Username: northfarer
Reference(s) of xyn(s) you would like drawn: precious child......
Holiday Theme?: Either is fine!
Your Xanta's Letter (items you wish for): BEETEOR, metallic markings potion, and a trailing stars potion!
Volunteer to be a backup artist?: Yes give me the xyns to draw 

2023-11-08 16:32:43 (Edited 2023-11-16 01:25:24)

Key Avatar
Key Staff Member

heya!! could you choose a few more items for your letter? x"3 we roll it randomly to be fair hehe<3

2023-11-15 16:46:51

northfarer Avatar

aiksdjf DONE SORRY!!!!

2023-11-16 01:26:05

denimlich Avatar

Lorekeeper Username: denimlich
Reference(s) of xyn(s) you would like drawn:

Holiday Theme?: Indifferent
Your Xanta's Letter (items you wish for): Puffle, Plushie Body Potion, Hallowed Trait Sticker, Halo of Music Notes Potion, Light Motes Potion
Volunteer to be a backup artist?: No

2023-11-07 09:14:23

remmy Avatar

Lorekeeper Username: remmy
Reference(s) of xyn(s) you would like drawn: anyone here
Holiday Theme?: Indifferent
Your Xanta's Letter (items you wish for): speckled pwigi, starshaped pawpad potion, crown halo potion
Volunteer to be a backup artist?: No

2023-11-06 20:34:21

EvanGhost Avatar

Lorekeeper Username: EvanGhost
Reference(s) of xyn(s) you would like drawn: Blacklight 
Holiday Theme?: Indifferent
Your Xanta's Letter (items you wish for): Halo of eyes potion, trailing spirits potion, whisp fur potion, elemental mane or wings potion
Volunteer to be a backup artist?: No

2023-11-06 13:16:57