Comments on Secret Xanta: Signups Closed!

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Key Staff Member
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2023-11-06 11:38:56 (Edited 2023-11-27 13:07:28)

Key Avatar
Key Staff Member


2023-11-27 13:07:18

mizuena Avatar

i apologize if im too late wahh :'>

Lorekeeper Username: mizuena
Reference(s) of xyn(s) you would like drawn:
Holiday Theme?: Indifferent
Your Xanta's Letter (items you wish for): toes potion, claws potion, hallowed trait sticker
Volunteer to be a backup artist?: No

2023-11-27 11:53:12

insyndiar Avatar

Lorekeeper Username: insyndiar
Reference(s) of xyn(s) you would like drawn: or  muehehe
Holiday Theme?: Indifferent
Your Xanta's Letter (items you wish for):
Hallowed Trait Sticker, Metallic Markings Pot, Moon Halo, Noodle Body,  Celestial Shifter, Rare MYO Coin <3
Volunteer to be a backup artist?: Yes

2023-11-27 10:38:42 (Edited 2023-12-26 16:07:13)

0bonbon Avatar

Lorekeeper Username: 0bonbon
Reference(s) of xyn(s) you would like drawn:
Holiday Theme?: Indifferent
Your Xanta's Letter (items you wish for):  Ghostly Impalement,  Celestial shift, or Toes potion
Volunteer to be a backup artist?: No


2023-11-26 23:31:18 (Edited 2023-11-26 23:43:45)

JayMeowth Avatar

Reference(s) of xyn(s) you would like drawn:

Holiday Theme?: Yes

Your Xanta's Letter (items you wish for): Lumihoot, Aitiekh Halo potion, Fruit growth potion, Cumulion, Puffle, Triplet Terror, Hallowed trait sticker, Rare myo coin

Volunteer to be a backup artist?: Yes

2023-11-26 13:42:45 (Edited 2023-11-26 14:54:41)