Vexyn (VEX)VexynLimited ・ "Fallen Guardian"

Profile VEX-181: Tengu

Owned by Tav

Nickname(s): None
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Vexyn
Element: Unknown (Corruption)
Birth Month: November
Location: Wingfell (currently)
Occupation or Hobby: Guardian ("School of Ox")
Personality Traits: Restless, bitter, lonely, angry, jealous, emotionless (on the outside)
Likes: Kabuki, the shrine of Wingfell (both in an unhealthy, fixated way), the guardians, being in control, punishing others
Dislikes: Kujira, thinking of her old master and school, the feeling of not belonging anywhere


Tengu's mask gives away her profession. She's a "Guardian", moreso one of a certain "school". Her school can be identified by the style of her mask. After a pupil has completed their training they're granted their mask as a sign of their new status. They're leaving behind their past and identity, "hiding" both behind their mask which at the same time connects them to their school. It's unknown how many Guardians still exist, since it's a dying tradition. After pupils have become a Guardian, they are sent to protect their charge, be it a person or a location, like a temple or shrine. They live and die for that task alone. They rarely meet after they've taken on their guard; since there are only such few of them left. Tengu is from the "School of Ox" and seems to have lost her purpose. Wandering the lands without a charge to protect, she's become aimless and bitter, attacking non-suspecting victims and staying just on the brink of corruption. After meeting Kabuki by chance, Tengu becomes weirdly fixated on her, maybe because she's reminded of her own past and jealous of Kabuki, who still serves her charge, the shrine of Wingfell. Another well-known school is the "School of Saramanda", whose leader is still alive. Ox, the leader of Tengu's school, on the other hand is dead. She has no one to rescue her from her descend. Tengu later becomes a part of Lunerest's underground.

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