Moxyn (MOX) ・ Moxyn ・ Common

MOX-661: Rosalia 🎯

Owned by Lndubitably

"Nobody can stop me now."

she/they • young adult (~early 20s)
Pixiehome (former); Moonreach (current) - often roams Wingfell

A Moxyn who recently struck out on her own path, hoping to someday be recognised for her merits. Perhaps, becoming a Royal Knight may just be the opportunity she's looking for.

Rosalia has a keen intuition, and a bit more than some healthy skepticism. Everything they do is seemingly practised and poised. She makes quite a reliable teammate - albeit, slow to warm up to others. If faced with a challenge or competition however, she will eagerly give it her all. Ultimately, she wants to make a name for herself in Lunerest.

...And to not be "just another xyn" .

Likes: Praise, Strength training / Manual labour, Standing on tall things, Devising new strategies
Dislikes: Flattery (especially about her looks), Being cast aside / seen as weak or "a copy"

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