MOX-645: Moon
Name: Moon
Nickname(s): none (they hate nicknames)
Pronouns: they/it
Species: moxyn
Element: ice
Birth Month: July
Location: Selune Woods
Hobby: singing, reading, drawing, sewing plushies, playing th
Personality Traits: blunt, funny, dramatic, patient, easy to anger, loyal, reserved around those they don't know, very loud and goofy around those they do know
Likes: fluffy animals, cool weather, collecting various objects (rocks, bookmarks, other pretty things), stargazing, swimming, Star
Dislikes: bugs, loud noises, being in hot temperatures
Very protective of and loyal to those they care about
Enjoys making people laugh, is ready to make jokes or commit to bits at any moment
Can be very loud and goofy around those they are close to (as in, they feel safe being completely themself around people they're close to), much more reserved around people they don't know to the point of seeming cold/rude to strangers
Very dramatic and a bit of a weirdo
Can get very angry/irritated very easily
Star's significant other
They feel completely at ease with Star, are able to be completely themself around him
Moon & Star enjoy goofing around with each other, making each other laugh, as well as playfully teasing each other
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