Moxyn (MOX)MoxynAlchemist ・ "Midnight Buck"

MOX-607: Huckleberry

Owned by Tav

Nickname(s): Huck
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Moxyn
Element: Dark
Birth Month: May
Location: Moonreach (underground)
Occupation or Hobby: Bodyguard, jack-of-all-trades
Personality Traits: Insecure, lost, caring, protective, loyal, intelligent
Likes: Kappa, looking after other xyns, reading, learning (especially about corruption), cooking
Dislikes: Corruption, loneliness, living in the underground (would much rather still be a member of the "normal' xyn society, but at the same time knows it's impossible), criminals


Kappa's bodyguard, messenger, caretaker, cook - you name it -, but not a Defender, like their undercover "boss". Formerly corrupted xyn, who felt lost after being healed and thus went into the underground. His fur regained a dark tint from corruption, he also wields dark magic. He doesn't remember anything from pre-corruption and also no-one seemed to miss him... Kappa "hired" him shortly after she went into the underground to investigate, probably because she sensed his desire to be of use and belong to someone. He doesn't know that his "boss" is indeed Lunerest's version of a cop. Not that it makes a difference, he'd probably follow her into hell and back. He's started his own kind of research on corruption, because after his own fate he starts wondering if xyns with dark magic are more prone to attract corruption beasts. Despite his frail self-confidence, Huck is indeed a strong fighter if need be.

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