Profile MOX-410: Hoshiko

Owned by Rainspeak

Name: Hoshiko

Nickname(s): Stella

Pronouns: She/Her

Species: Moxyn

Element: Astral

Birth Month: November

Location: Valorise

Occupation: Astronomy Student

Personality Traits: Cheerful, active, independent, strong work ethic, single-mindedly obsessed with astronomy to the point of having no other hobbies

Likes: Stargazing, astronomy, sports

Dislikes: Cloudy weather, chili peppers


Hoshiko grew up in Lunarest, and has been obsessed with the stars for as long as she could remember. A telescope was one of the first gifts she ever asked for, and after receiving it she spent many, many hours outside gazing deep into the night sky. As she grew up and gained independence, her interest turned from merely watching the stars to studying and understanding them better. She’s currently studying under a famous astronomer in a high mountain observatory near Valorise.


Her primary goal is to become a renowned astronomer. A second, more secret dream of hers is to discover a new star or planet. Sometimes, she likes to imagine as she falls asleep what that experience might be like, and muse over potential names for the discovery.  She hasn't settled on a name yet. She doesn't think she will until the moment happens, preferring to linger in the excitement of imagining the unknown for now. 

Fun Facts

  • Hoshiko’s favourite study break activity is exercising. She likes to move her body while giving her brain a rest. She’s surprisingly athletic for someone who spends so much time sitting, and has a particularly good throw.
  • When she was a moxlet and didn’t have many markings yet, she used to paint glow-in-the-dark stars onto herself. When she grew up and developed natural star-shaped markings, she was absolutely over-the-moon thrilled.
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