Profile MOX-227: Altair

Owned by nopalrabbit

Name: Altair
Nickname(s): Lil' Prince
Pronouns: He/They
Species: Moxyn
Element: Soothe
Birth Month: June
Location: Elysium Heights
Occupation or Hobby: Library attendant
Personality Traits: Gentle, curious, sentimental, compassionate, gullible
Likes: Watching the stars, reading, meeting new xyns
Dislikes: Being cold, mean-spirited jokes.

Backstory: Altair grew up very lonely. His parents took him as an egg with them while dimension hopping, they explored all sorts of little planets together. The day he was born he found himself looking into his parents sad faces, they had landed on a meteor instead of a planet, with no moons to recharge their magic with. With the very last of their magic they hatched Altair and opened the portal back to Lunerest, it was only open long enough for him to be pushed through. The cold sensation was long and dizzying, Altair was found about a day later by wandering xyns, no one knew who his parents were so he grew up in an orphanage.

Aspirations: Altair is always looking up and experimenting with methods of storing moonlight energy. He secretly aspires to find his parents but is too scared of dimension hopping.

Fun Facts: He was wrapped in a yellow scarf when he was a baby and sent to Lunerest. He never took it off and it got very worn out. When he left the orphanage the scarf was in tatters and the xyn there wove what was left of the yellow scarf into the red scarf he wears now.

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