[Event] Frostfall Festival 2024 - Out in the Snow
Ever was having a pleasantly lazy day. They had climbed a tree sometime in the early morning and had stayed there for hours listening to the winter birds flit about and twitter at each other. The morning, while not entirely unpleasant, was crisp and chilly. It was a good sort of morning for not doing much of anything. They couldn’t help thinking of engaging in snow activities though given that it was the time of the Frostfall Festival. So, after lounging in that tree until nearly noon daydreaming about playing in the snow they finally decided it was time to actually get up and do just that.
By the time they climbed back down from the tree the sun was out in full and it had pushed back the edge of that crisp chill. It felt good on Ever’s back even though the snow itself remained cold to the touch of paws. The first order of business was to make a fort, because… well, why not? They decided to build this fort around the base of the tree. They didn’t want to harm that tree or any others though so they took care to move snow from areas that wouldn’t leave any roots bare of their protective snow cover. Using a sturdy blanket as a snow-carrying sling they flew back and forth between the tree and a nearby field not taking too much snow from any one spot.
They took care to construct nice sturdy walls tall enough that they could hide completely within them but not so tall they couldn’t easily look out over the top. They left a small gap at the back for a door, just big enough to squeeze through and seriously considered binding some fallen deadwood together as an actual door but set that thought aside for the time being. After standing back to survey their work for a time they decided that the fort needed some snowpeople guardians. Once again they ferried snow over in the blanket sling until they had enough and then set to work. It was getting dark by the time that four snowpeople with stick arms and pebble facial features took their places as guards before the roughly carved fake front gate of the fort.
They built a small fire to warm up with and ate a bag of nuts and berries they’d brought along. It would have pleased them to stay out here all night admiring the fort and the snow people but they didn’t really want to sleep out in the cold. So they took a last tour of the fort, added a few more final touches to both it and its guardian snowpeople, and then turned their back. It was a little bothersome knowing that they were probably leaving their fine handy work to be invaded by playing Xynlets come morning but they supposed they could stand to share if they must. With that closing thought they flew off towards home where they were sure to sleep soundly for the rest of the night.
Ever has a lazy day bird watching and playing in the snow.
Word Count: 507
Submitted By LovellaTorendo
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago