Rune - Registration

In Registration Art ・ By Tav
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Rune - Registration
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In Registration Art ・ By Tav

Name: Rune

Nickname: -
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Adult
Species: Moxyn

Element: Astral

Special Class: None
Ears: Standard (common)
Horns: Unicorn (common)
Nose: Kitty (common)
Mane: Standard (common)
Wings: Chibi (uncommon)
Tail: Curled (uncommon)
Sparkles, Flower Growth

Birth Month: June
Rune, the forest witch, is consulted whenever normal medicine  doesn't help anymore, mostly things having to do with corruption. She  lives in the same snowy fir forest as Thorn. Most xyns tend to avoid  her, thinking her "evil", but it is mostly superstition. Rune has  learned to ignore xyns talking about her, though it stings her  sometimes. She's an outgoing moxyn, sarcastic, quite deadpan and likes to feed into the fear of some xyn if they go on her nerves too much. She has accepted her fate of being an outsider. On the other hand, she's passionate about her work, both as "witch" and corruption  researcher, and likes dramatic displays of her talents. She keeps her very long her tied back in a  ponytail, but the longs strands still spill down to her shoulders and  down the sides of her neck. She wears her halo like a big creole  earring. Rune, unlike Lily, is a good fortune  teller, reading xyns'  futures in the stars. She hardly uses that skill  though, since she  believes everyone is responsible for their own fate.
Her circle of friends includes Thorn, the sometimes visiting Lily, and later Nezumi and a former corrupted xyn. She has a chickle familiar named Basil,  that, as is characteristic for all chickles, is a very bad flyer and  mostly floats through the air, sometimes even upside down. She likes to talk to Basil and pretend that she understands what the chickle is "saying" and giving answers, but of course in reality she has no clue.
Thorn is quite smitten with her, which she may or may not know. She likes to flirt with him and comment on his good looks, but maybe it just amuses her to make him blush.
Calla the healer is her sister, though the relationship is strained.


Feel free to include her in your drawings/writings and prompts, and pls tag me, I'd like to see <3.

Submitted By Tav
Submitted: 3 years agoLast Updated: 3 years ago

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