Calla - Registration
Species: Moxyn
Ears: Standard (common)
Horns: Ram (common)
Nose: Kitty (common)
Wings: Feathered (common)
Tail: Dino (common)
Extra: Flower Growth, Feathers, Extra Fluff (Mane)
Sassy healer. Won't take your bullshit. When she was still a moxlet, she stumbled into Cheshire's herbal garden and startled him to no end. They've been friends ever since. His garden of herbs inspired her to grow plants of her own (much bigger and better one!) and to become a healer. She's probably the only "nomal" friend he has, and his biggest hope to brew a potion that will give him toes (which he has received from her since then).
She's a hard worker and doesn't like to be disturbed when she brews her potions. That's why she can be quite curt and down to business, she's no fan of sugar coating words and prefers to be brutally honest. This hasn't earned her many friendships, but honest and deep ones. Her sister Rune, the forest witch, left for the forest when Calla was still very young, and Calla missed her dearly. The feeling of loss grew into a feeling of anger and abandonement, as well as resentment towards her sister. Her curt personality probably also derives from there. It gives Calla a feeling of satisfaction, to know that both her sister and her have similiar occupations, but she is the one accepted by lunestrian society.
"Calla" is her nickname, inspired by her flower growth, that stuck and became her official one. Her real name is Insignia.

Submitted By Tav
Submitted: 3 years ago ・
Last Updated: 3 years ago