Twinkle - Registration
In Registration Art ・
By Tav
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Name: Twinkle
Nickname: -
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: Adult
Species: Moxyn
Element: Dark (Shadow-Stitching, Shadow Weapons)
Special Class: None
Ears: Standard (common)
Horns: Unicorn (common)
Nose: Kitty (common)
Mane: Standard (common)
Wings: Feathered (common)
Tail: Wispy (common)
Extra: Glowing Spots (limited!), Moody Eyes (limited!)
Birth Month: May
A serious, inconspicuous xyn, but also very helpful and reliable. A bit creepy due to his moody eyes, which start glowing and change colors depending on his mood. They usually just glow in a pale light whenever he's agitated, but change to red when he's truly pissed. The spots in his pelt glow in a pale blue and intense violet, underlining even more why his parents named him "Twinkle". Twinkle had a traumatic encounter with Ruin when he was a moxlet. The monstrous xyn scared the little moxlet to death, and he remains scared of her even as an adult.
Twinkle likes to spend his time gathering, since it's then when he can sort his thoughts best. He's usually accompanied by his puffle.
Feel free to include him in your artwork and writing, and please tag me, I'd like to see .
Submitted By Tav
Submitted: 2 years ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years ago
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