Claim (#1067) Approved

4 February 2024, 19:49:33 EST (1 year ago)
5 February 2024, 10:47:14 EST (1 year ago) by Key


Sending it the items for the pixyn myo Timbre designed!!
- Gradient eyes potion
- Fairy dust potion
- Rare trait sticker (ears)
- Uncommon trait sticker (wings)
- Toes potion


Reward Amount



These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Toes Potion Toes Potion Claimed from Time of the Snowlight Bash day 6 by northfarer. Claimed 6 December 2023, 14:25:24 EST 1
Fairy Dust Potion Fairy Dust Potion Claimed from Time of the Snowlight Bash day 26 by northfarer. Claimed 26 December 2023, 17:40:55 EST 1
Gradient Eyes Potion Gradient Eyes Potion Claimed from Time of the Snowlight Bash day 28 by northfarer. Claimed 28 December 2023, 12:36:28 EST 1
Rare Trait Sticker Rare Trait Sticker Purchased from Charm Shop by northfarer for 20 Charms. Purchased 4 February 2024, 17:54:04 EST 1
Uncommon Trait Sticker Uncommon Trait Sticker Purchased from Charm Shop by northfarer for 10 Charms. Purchased 4 February 2024, 19:48:13 EST 1

northfarer's Bank

Currency Quantity